September 02, 2012

Same Week ... Second Letter!

Two letters in one week. We feel lucky and blessed! This one was through snail mail and included some personal letters to Leanne and Blake. 

Mom and Dad,

Sorry I didn't send any pictures on Tuesday. They don't have a way to do it here because the computers are so restricted. I'll have to send the SD card home.

I had a lot more I wanted to say in the email too, but 30 minutes isn't enough time. Thanks for the box of cookies! It's fun to get anything while we're here.

Like I said ... everyone in the MTC gives 1/2 hour long discussions starting on the Friday after they get here. They don't baby us around. They call us out of the congregation on Sundays to give talks on the spot ... in French. 

The food here is good and we usually eat pretty healthy. Although I do allow myself one glass of chocolate milk everyday. Half chocolate milk, half regular milk of course! It's just too good. I run a mile every day and lift weights at the gym. The days are long, but it's fun being with my district! We click really well. 

I feel like I've gotten used to the prayers ... just not so used to French prayers. It took me a few days to be able to say everything I want to in my French prayers. It comes easy now though. 

Like you, I've been pleasantly surprised at the amount of positive coverage the church has been given. Maybe we aren't so weird after all.

Also ... we're going to San Francisco on September 5th to sign our Visas. Yay! AND, my estimated departure date is October 22nd. 

Love you guys!

Elder Wilson