February 10, 2014

Possibly Violent Sisters - Week 77

Well! It's almost like I was just here yesterday. These last few days, in lieu (ha. French.) of being the traveling Elders, we were the  handymen and went around fixing miscellaneous broken things. I didn't know I was such a carpenter.

First on the list was the Versailles Sisters, who broke the doors off some of their cupboards. I'm still trying to figure out if they intentionally took them off because they didn't match, or if they were just really hungry and eager to get to the food. Probably the latter. In either case, we waved our magic drill and fixed everything with a few hinges and brackets. 

The next day, the Sisters in Melun called, saying that their kitchen cabinets "collapsed." Elder Prince was a little skeptical, had them send a picture of the problem, and started laughing when the email yielded an image of what was essentially a stack of boards and a pile of nails. What happened? Refer to possible explanation in preceding paragraph. Actually, whoever built it decided to use packing tape instead of nails, so the Melun Sisters are off the hook. Nevertheless, Elder Christensen and I drove to Melun on the south side of Paris, and made everything better than new in a few hours. Success.

We dropped a big couch off in Orléans last week, but we realized after it was set up that it was missing the back cushions ... so it looked decent, but unusable. We went to the furniture store over next to Versailles to discuss getting some replacement cushions, and we struck a deal with Mohamed to get the ones from the floor model. Couldn't have done that a year ago.

The next few days were full of some office work and teaching myself about spreadsheets. I'll let you soak in all the excitement related to Excel formulas without going into more detail.

Other than that, we got a call yesterday telling us to pick up a missionary from a train station in Paris who was being transferred last-minute. There was a bit of a miscommunication and we ended up being there at 6 instead of 4, but we ended up finding a missionary who was very confused and very ready to call a taxi. We took him back to our apartment, he made us a very nice Tahitian dinner, and we had a good time.

This morning, we took him back to Paris to send him off again, then had to wait for a few hours before picking up a second person from another train station. It's kind of like we're the professional taxi drivers, I guess! We unfortunately had to fill those hours with something since it was our P-Day, so we wandered through the Louvre again and did some more shopping. Can anyone say 100 dollar shoes for 25 euros? #soldes #hashtag

And that's it for the last five days! Maybe not as exciting as usual, but still been having a good time as always. Have a good one!

Elder Wilson